How my skincare obsession lead to starting the biz

Wanna know how my skincare obsession led to starting the business?

There were many ideas, but the creative boom occurred around 2015. Adult acne took residence on my face!!

One side would clear. Later, the other would kick-off. This story spanned for 3-years! I couldn’t stop thinking about it! It had become an obsession!

Social media wasn’t a big deal when I was younger. I had MySpace, remember? That was enough.

I recall when Facebook came out – “Why would anyone want to see what I’m eating?” I didn’t get it! Then the iPhone was released. It felt like those devices had possessed the entire London  underground!! 

Only while becoming obsessed with Instagram on a clear skin quest my interest piqued!

Three years later, there I was, following multiple skincare bloggers, dermatologists, trying all the things on my face (including some funky diets)! But there were no results, only obliterating my skin following ALL this advice.


I decided to start a blog, share the journey, which led to designing and building my first website!

My partner is amazing, my in house tech support. He’s good, yet, ask his opinion, he will be brutally honest! He channelled my creative eye through such direction and honesty. Whenever I’d design a page and thought it was great – “Hmmm, it looks like a template, you can do better, keep going”!

I spent hours, days, many nights actually learning how to use WordPress, Elementor (my fave tool to create WP websites with) and design beautiful visuals in Canva.

The day came where my at the time need for approval in this new field was satisfied. Those words –  “much better, very good” there we go!

Looking back on the process, I could see the design journey becoming more sophisticated, each revision a level up from its former draft. This process built more confidence, spending more time dabbling with the tools, features and resources available.

I found it fascinating to watch bloggers, skincare people, normal people like you and me succeed in their creative passions using the internet.

The creative process was an enjoyable outlet outside my full-time job. It was fulfilling. I wished I could do something like that for a living. It seemed so far out of reach.

The photography was fun, website design, researching, binging YouTube tutorials, connecting with inspiring people on social, discovering podcasts, writing. My mind was expanding!

Where had I been! There’s like this whole online world I knew nothing about! If they can do it, maybe I can too.


All this led to finding an amazing skin coach Olena Beley. She is a skin queen!

Finally, someone was talking science, no fads, no DIY facial experiments, no food on my face, plus her skin looks amazing!

I trusted her the moment I started binging ALL her content. She was relatable, honest. She gives so much value to her content. Mostly I saw massive results from the free content alone.

So, I decided to work with Olena after trying ALL the things for three (very long feeling) years! She healed my skin in three months – ka-boom! (The power of skincare – this skin blogger kind of still lives within me).

After working with Olena, the path to clear skin was resolved. Yet with the solution came understanding. My perception of skincare as a whole shifted. I learned how it’s so individual!

Then came a conflict! I didn’t want anyone to do what I had done, which was to make their skin worse by following my well-intended but potentially incorrect advice for them.

It was becoming harder to write about it now my focus had changed. Despite knowing I’d miss the creative process, I closed the blog.

Those encounters with women like Olena and many others inspired me so much. Seeing them show up with top-quality, amazing services all aligned with who they are. I wanted something like this too, yet at that time, I just didn’t know what it would look like for me.

During this time, I became fascinated with how Instagram and social media can be used so powerfully for business. All while loving creating, building and designing websites! Combining a blog with email marketing and being active on social media, I could see lots of people online with super clever marketing.

What stood out to me was how these people were not marketing professionals. Yet they were making it work successfully, being very true to themselves, which was fuelling the passion, thus creating extremely loyal and engaged audiences. Through their experiences, they were changing peoples lives
with their businesses.

And so, that’s where the seeds of my business story began.

Do you need a Social Media Specialist in your corner?

How would it feel to be more confident using it for your business? 

To have a plan of action, a consistently sleek looking face for your brand with content that speaks to your audience?

I offer monthly retainer packages to save you time trying to figure it all out on your own. 

To discuss, please book a free no-obligation get to know you call to talk further.