Loving your local?
A supporter of independent businesses?
A pillar in the community?
How wonderful was it to see local communities rallying together to support one another during the pandemic? It was inspiring, a beautiful, positive thing to witness in such doom and gloomy times!
Social media can truly connect you with your locality and open doors of opportunity for collaborations, networking, other local events that also provide social media-worthy content, and super easy too.
Want to see how my I met a great local business turned dream client amid the pandemic? Read here.
If you’re going to do something, try going all in.
I know how hard it is to be consistent. Business is a juggling act at the best of times. Once you break the habit, it can take a real push to get back online!
Yet, something I find to be true is that it’s always worth the effort because there are too many opportunities for growth to ignore it for too long!
Building a brand identity getting to know new people while keeping the doors of possibility open to you as a business. The more avenues,the better right?
It does take time, consistency, and an effort to provide something of true interest and value to your people, plus a strategic approach with a goal like more web traffic, so you have something to measure your efforts are working in your current approach.
Even if you don’t have tons of time, finding any consistency that works for you can be worth it for growth.
It’s got to be worth trying it out properly, right?